Working Script
“The Opiate” Horror Trailer
Establishing shot of a red building with windows, which then pans downward to reveal a man in a white lab jacket standing next to some doors. In the background, there is atmospheric music, and over the top of this is a male voice over.
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Mid-shot of the same man in white lab jacket, inside a classroom, the screen is in black and white. His arms are folded, he turns his head to the right. The voice over and atmospheric music continues.
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Close up of the mans hands as they move various scientific instruments. The voice and atmospheric music continues
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Point of View shot of the scientists hands pouring water in a beaker. The voice over and atmospheric music continues.
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Same close up position as the mans hands pour water from the beaker into something else, obstructed by the mans hand. The voice over and atmospheric music continues.
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Mid-shot of the man in front of two female students, he underlines the phrase ‘rate of reaction’ and then turns to the class. The voice over and atmospheric music continues.
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mid-shot of the man walking down an empty corridor, he is holding a white box. Voice over and atmospheric music continues.
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Extreme close up of the mans face, no longer in black and white. First facing downward, and then turning to the side and looking straight into the camera. Music ends with a crash of a cymbal, screen fades to black and the voice over ends. The music to a news show starts.
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Mid-shot of a female news presenter sitting down. Behind her in the top right hand corner is a symbol based on the shape of the earth, in the bottom right hand corner of the screen is the logo for the news channel. She reads the news story. Different, more ominous music can now be heard in the background.
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the view from a video camera of a party scene, part of the view obstructed to the left by a bottle of red liquid, probably alcohol. Various people walk by, some opening a fridge. Ominous music continues, as does the news reader who is now reading the news story as a voice over.
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An open hand, occasionally illuminated by a white strobe light to reveal three white pills.Ominous music and voiceover continues.
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High angle shot of a girl in the same room as the previous shot, she takes the pills. Music and voiceover continues.
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Camera facing the ceiling in the same room as the previous shot, the strobe light casting reflections onto the ceiling. Music and voiceover continues.
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People dancing and drinking, including the girl who took the pill, the strobe light still flashes. Music and voiceover continues.
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The news reader sitting in the same position, continuing to reader the same news story, she finishes. Screeching strings can now be heard amongst the music, gradually getting louder and of a higher pitch.
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Black screen. The music stops but the strings continue.
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Low angle shot of the same girl who took the pills coughing up blood, her mouth and face are covered in blood also. The strobe light is still flashing. The music is loud and features various instruments, including strings.
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The same girl and a boy grappling with each other, both covered in blood. They appear zombie like and animalistic. The strings are rising in pitch and volume again.
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Head shot of the boy on his own, glaring and gritting his teeth straight into the camera. Strings continue to rise.
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Extremely low angle shot of the girl, with the boy grabbing and pulling her head back by her hair, trying to bite her. A thud from a drum is heard in the music, and the action on the screen pauses for a second on the boy’s teeth next to the girls neck while the music continues. The action starts and they move from the bottom left of the screen to the top right of the screen, they pause again as the music continues. The action then continues for a moment.
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Same headshot of the boy again, still glaring at the camera, the strobe light still flashing. The music continues.
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Mid-shot of the boy and girl from the side, they both crouch and he is behind her, still trying to bite her. A loud sound is made and the screen blacks out, the music fading.
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Black screen with the films title “THE OPIATE” appear in white block capital font, it hovers up and down in the middle of the screen, occasionally stretching. This then changes to block capital text saying “COMING SOON”, it moves about the screen in the same way. The music still fading. The screen goes completely black.
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Close up of the girl and boy from before, a light from underneath them reflects off of their faces. They lean forward, the girl gripped around the neck from behind by the boy. They make screaming/growling noises.
Screen goes black.